Bobbiny color palette

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Brand: Bobbiny
Currently unavailable
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If you are not sure which color to choose, this chart is for you!
You will be able to see for yourself how all available colors look.

Due to frequent color changes, the photo is only an example of the product.

Detailed information

Product detailed description

This cord has been approved by OEKOTEX to Standard 100 (including requirements for children's products).
OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 guarantees that the tested and certified yarn does not contain any harmful substances that are hazardous to human health and the environment.

Bobbiny oekotex


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Bobbiny šňůry ze 100% recyklované bavlny se vyrábí v Polsku v několika provedeních a sílách. Jsou vhodné jak pro macramé techniku, tak i na háčkování či pletení bytových doplňků a různých dekorací.

Grafický návrh vytvořil a nakódoval